Hihi, Emi here! I hope you are enjoying my little Cowboy Bebop Page! I admit that ever since I saw my first episode of this, I was hooked, and I just had to make this page :) As you may have noticed, it is not quite complete yet, as Cowboy Bebop news and info can be somewhat hard to find, but I am doing my best! :)
Things I hope to add to this site in the future: an Image Gallery, Music samples, and Episode Summaries. Wow, that is quite a bit:) Wish me luck, ok?
If you have any questions or comments, please drop me a line, a link to my email address is on the main page.but please read the FAQ before mailing me. Thanks :)
Below I will list any new additions or updates to this page as I do them, so keep an eye on this section!
Thanks again for visiting my page!
-Emi 3/5/1999
News & Updates
November 22, 2023:
Look at me, making another update after almost exactly 2 years! Woohoo! I updated the music section with covers and track listings for the new Cowboy Bebop Vinyl albums coming out in December 2023. There is a massive LP Box set of all the original OSTs on Vinyl as well as 3 new 'Best-of' albums. I have all of these on order, thank you, dollar-yen exchange rate! I'm sad that the Netflix show only lasted 1 season because I personally had fun with is, but then again, I didn't go into it with huge expectations, I just wanted new Bebop music, and at least I got that. I hope someday we'll get a really great adaptation. I am still too lazy to do proper episode summaries for the tv show and the anime... sigh...
November 25, 2021:
Well, the new Netflix Bebop series has premiered, woohoo! As expected, reactions are mixed, depending on what you were hoping to get from it, I guess. I have only watched a little of it so far, but I'm personally having fun with it. I still haven't updated my episode guide for the live-action yet, but I did add some info about the OST for the Netflix series in the Music section~ I can't wait to get my hands on it!
September 22, 2021:
Wow, it's REALLY happening! I've been swamped with real life stress recently, but I HAVE kept up with the latest news on the Cowboy Bebop live action series from Netflix. It is coming soon, and Netflix has posted some images from it, and I, personally, love it! I think the cast looks fantastic and I can't wait to check it out. I've also heard that Yoko Kanno is doing the music, wich is a relief. I really want to create a new section on this site to talk about the episodes (and any soundtracks they might release, wouldn't that be nice). I'm hoping things will settle down enough for me so I can make a proper update! I can't believe there is still Bebop stuff to update this site with 21 years after I started it, lol. Thank you to the people who sign my guestbook. I do read it!
Oh, and I finallly added the tracklist to the Cowboy Bebop Vinyl OST that came out.... last December. Better late than never, lol
May 2, 2020: The Bebop love contnues! Funimation posted a great video of 'Real Folk Blues' performed remotely by a fantastic group of talent including an appearance by Yoko Kanno! It's a charity track they're releasing on vinyl (and Spotify and Bandcamp) with all proceeds going to the CDC Foundation and Doctors without Borders to help fight COVID-19. Go watch! Go buy!
April 27, 2020: For your Bebop-related entertainment during this time of social distancing, check out this awesome new video of the SEATBELTS playing 'Tank!' remotely. Produced by Yoko Kanno. Awesome~
April 19, 2020: Another year later! Since the time last year when the live action Bebop was announced, there have been a few setbacks. There was a production delay due to Jon Cho getting injured and now we're in the middle of a global pandemic that is shutting down... well, pretty much everything. But there was an article on ANN that mentioned that the show will go on (as soon as it's safe to) and that they are actually working on stuff for a season 2! And what made me the most excited, they also mentioned Yoko Kanno! In all this time since the show was announced, I haven't seen any mention if the show will have the original music or not. Plus, there was a tweet from Steve Conte that sounded like he hadn't been contacted for anything either. But now that the show runners have mentioned her, I have hope that we'll get the original music, or perhaps something new? I'd love to have another Cowboy Bebop OST to talk about! We'll have to wait and see!
April 4, 2019: A year to the day from my last update, lol. What a way to celebrate Bebop's 21st birthday, but with the announcement that John Cho, Mustafa Shakir, Daniella Pineda, and Alex Hassell have been cast in the new LIVE ACTION Cowboy Bebop series that is coming to Netflix! I've been dreaming of a live-action Cowboy Bebop forever! There have been so many attempts to get one made and so many fan musings about who would be cast in such a project if it ever happened. I'm glad that they are doing a TV series instead of a movie. 10 episodes have been ordered so far. My only other question after who the cast would be is... what about the music? It isn't Bebop without the iconic Yoko Kanno music, so I hope they somehow get it for the TV series. Anyway, now I have to figure out where on this poor old site I will stick my episode summaries and materials for the TV show. Gotta create a new section!
April 4, 2018: Okay, okay, I'm a day behind, but April 3, 2018 marks the 20th Anniversary of Cowboy Bebop! (meaning this site is pretty darn old, too. Wow!) I made some small updates, adding The Cowboy Bebop Soundtrack Book to the books section and making minor edits here and there. I'll be updating again soon, as I see on Twitter (where I can be found as @MagicalEmi) that Bebop OST singer Raj Ramayya will be releasing an 'Ask DNA' remix soon! Exciting!
June 6, 2017: Hmm, once again we have a story about a live-action Cowboy Bebop in the news. This time it's reported by Variety and Deadline Hollywood that a live-action television series version is being made by Tomorrow Studios and will be co-executive-produced by Sunrise. Frankly, I'll believe it when I see it, considering how many times previously there have been reports about live-action adaptations. All I have to say, really, is that they need to get the rights to Yoko Kanno's score because it just wouldn't be the same without it.
September 8, 2016: Oh hey, an update! Some nice news for Bebop fans in the US. Today Funimation and Crunchyroll announced a partnership of some of their anime streaming services, with Crunchyroll adding many Funimation titles to their site. This includes the sub of Cowboy Bebop! Yay! So, if you would like to legally watch Cowboy Bebop streaming (and I always encourage y'all to support anime and great shows like Bebop by watching them legally) head over to Crunchyroll and check it out!
September 13, 2014: I've updated the 'Releases' section with some more info about the various editions of the upcoming US Blu-Ray release for Bebop from Funimation.
August 30, 2013: I'm back again! I have taken this site and dusted it off a bit and gave it a bit of a cosmetic refresh. Nothing too drastic - you can see I use the same general layout, but I tried to modernize it a little bit. At the very least, I dragged the site away from the left side of the screen and centered it. I also updated a few things in the release section regarding the Blu-ray box sets, and updated the music and merchandise sections.
September 20, 2012: I haven't heard anything new about the effort to make a live-action Cowboy Bebop film (with or without Keanu Reeves), but I have recently been amused by this Facebook fan campaign that thinks Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch would make a good Spike Spiegel. They have some pretty funny images they photoshopped to make him look very Spike-like.
September 30, 2010: This looks fun. If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, you should go check out the Cowboy Bebop Appreciation Society's free Cowboy Bebop marathons on the big screen at the Landmark Bridge theater in San Francisco. Their first Fall Bebop Marathon is at midnight, October 1. It's Free! Woo! Look HERE for more info!
June 24, 2009: The live action Cowboy Bebop movie plans still seem to be rolling along. Anime Vice has a brief, but interesting interview with Peter Craig, the person working on the script for the movie. I have also added some info in the music section about the recent Seatbelts CD, Space Bio Charge.
January 22, 2009:Live action Cowboy Bebop! So, it looks like the earlier rumors were true. There IS a Cowboy Bebop live-actiom movie in the works, with Keanu Reeves attached to play Spike Spiegel. While I am thrilled at the idea of a Bebop movie, I am a little bit worried about seeing Keanu as Spike. However, I will wait and see, who knows, he may prove to be awesome. I can't really judge until I actually see the final product. I will say one thing though - I really really really hope that they keep or adapt the Yoko Kanno musical score. For me, Cowboy Bebop just isn't Cowboy Bebop without the music. Without it, it turns into just another random Sci-Fi movie. It might as well be named something else. AICN has hinted at some promising things, like Watanabe being consulted for the script. That is good news. But I need to hear about the music ^_^ I want another Yoko Kanno Cowboy Bebop OST :) So, I will have my fingers crossed. I still have no idea if the film will make it from being announced all the way to movie theaters without being canceled or postponed,so at this point I will just wait and see. It's pretty amazing that after 11 years, there is still new Cowboy Bebop news :)
July 24, 2008:Live action Cowboy Bebop? ANN recently reported that a live action version of Cowboy Bebop is under very early development over at FOX. If this is true, then things in Bebop land will get very exciting indeed! Of course, if deals were just signed, then it will be several years before we see anything (if this even gets off the ground or not), but it is still a lot of fun to speculate about what a live action Bebop would be like. It could be so great or so scary. ^_^; All I want is the Yoko Kanno music to be retained! Hmm what else... I really need to update the DVD section to include Bandai's release of the much cheaper Anime Legends box set of Bebop. Finally, Bebop at an amazingly low price, and not a bootleg!
January 29, 2008: I added a cover picture and some brief info about the new Japanese-release Cowboy Bebop remastered box set. Oh, I also added a cover image of the new Japanese release on Blu-ray of the Bebop movie. Celebrating 10 years of Cowboy Bebop, woo hoo! and just look at this updates page... 9 years of this page now @_@ Man, I am old. =_=
January 2, 2006:
Happy New Year! I can't believe I started this page 7 years ago! How time flies.... Well, I finally got off my lazy tush and added the cover images for the Bebop Remixed DVDs that have been released recently. Also, over to the left, you can see my nice, shiny autograph from Shinichiro Watanabe. Watanabe-san is the director
of Cowboy Bebop (and of Samurai Champloo too, among other shows) and he was a guest at AnimeFEST in Dallas, TX last September. I managed to find this cute card for him to sign at the autograph session. His discussion panel at the con was very interesting. He mainly talked about Champloo, but there
were the obvious questions like 'will there ever be any more Bebop?' I think he must get tired of answering that one. His response this time was that it is unlikely, but not totally ruled out. Maybe if he felt like it in the future some day... but right now he feels like doing other things. Hrm. How depressing ;_;
June 12, 2005: Er yeah, I know I am slow to update this page! I just thought I would mention, in case anyone didn't know already (highly doubtful) that Bandai will be re-releasing Cowboy Bebop on DVD soon. Called Cowboy Bebop Remixed, this new set has been remastered and has Dolby 5.1 sound. The set will also include fun things like interviews with the staff and cast, and some of the extras from the original Session #0 release. They released remastered Cowboy Bebop DVDs in japan last year, so I guess this will be the Region 1 version of those discs. Each disc in this set will be priced at around $30, but I bet there will be places that you can find it for less. So, if you don't own Cowboy Bebop on DVD yet, the Remix DVDs look like a good place to start!
November 25, 2004: Hey, it has been a shockingly short time since my last update! But here I am again with a few little site updates... a new Cowboy Bebop illustration book was released somewhat recently. It's called "Toshihiro Kawamoto:COWBOY BEBOP Illustrations - The Wind" and it can be purchased at AnimeNation. This looks like a truly awesome illustration book! I can't wait till my copy arrives! I have also added the cover art for the new Bebop CD I mention below, as well as that region 2 dvd box set, and the cover of the novelization of the Bebop movie. It looks like they are also going to release an 'Extra Session', but I am not sure exactly what that is. I think it may be a re-release of that Session XX thing that was just a recap of the TV series, but I will check into it.
October 18, 2004: Well, I am back again after almost a year of procrastinating! I am here to share a bit of new Bebop info- they are releasing another Bebop music CD! Woo hoo! This is a best-of collection, actually, and it is slated to come out on Dec 22, 2004. From CDJapan's Website:
"Contains 12 tracks including three all-new songs written for the 2005 game. Other songs are selected from the TV series and the theatrical feature. Sleeve cover artwork is illustrated by Toshihiro Kawamoto."
I have updated the Music section with a track listing for this CD, however the cover art is not available yet. This CD sounds cool, I look forward to it!
There is also a new Cowboy Bebop DVD box set coming out in Japan, but it is Region 2 and only in Japanese, no English subs or dub on it. The cover art looks pretty cool though :D I have added it to the video releases section.
November 16, 2003: I realize that the realaudio zips I have on the music page are no longer functional. Sorry about that. I am working on fixing that soon :D I am not sure what I will replace them with. I am reluctant to put mp3s because the goal of my page is to get people to buy the legit CDs and DVDs, etc, not leech the music from mp3s. Ahh, decisions, decisions. I am also finally making some effort to work on the episode guide that I have sadly neglected. No, I don't need any help with it, thanks for asking ^_^ I'll finish it, I am just slow! Oh! This might be of interest to some of you- For those of you looking for the sheet music for Bebop, AnimeBooks now has the Cowboy Bebop Band Score book back in stock again.
July 8, 2003: I finally updated the Releases section to reflect the recent release of the Cowboy Bebop Movie on Region 1 DVD. Hurrah! I am sorry I don't update this page more often. I have a huge pile of web pages that I am trying to maintain all at the same time as well as a webcomic that I update 3 times a week. It sucks away all of my time! I can't believe this page is 4.5 years old now! I also want to apologize for horrible typos. I am such a bad typist and every time I think I have cleaned up my pages (spellcheck is your friend!) I find more. -_- Someday I will edit it all, really I will. Yep.
April 3, 2003: Made some minor edits to the FAQ, guide, manga, and movie pages. The Bebop movie is set to open in some US cities tomorrow, April 4, 2003. Hurrah! See the FAQ for cities.
January 3, 2003: FYI - apparently the US theatrical release of the Cowboy Bebop Movie has been pushed back to April. I have no idea why.
November 5, 2002: In the music section, I have included links to an online store where you can purchase LEGITIMATE Bebop soundtracks. These CDs were released by Victor, and usually have a catalog number that begins with VICL-. If you see Bebop CDs for sale that are released by Son May or Ever Anime, those are BOOTLEGS, and should NOT be purchased. Please support the creators of Bebop and buy the REAL thing! Bebop movie tidbit: The Cowboy Bebop Movie has been making rounds at a lot of Film Festivals across North America. If you know of a Film Festival in your Area, check the schedule, the Bebop Movie may be showing! So far the film has shown in New York, Austin, and San Francisco, among other cities. The Subtitled version of the Bebop Movie will be playing at the Waterloo Festival for Animated Cinema in in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada on NOV 7 at 21:30. It will also be showing at the Hawaii International Film Festival on Nov. 8 2002 at 9:30 PM. Check out my little page about the movie for more film festival dates and locations. I will attempt to provide a list of festivals the film will be showing at.
June 24, 2002: Got the Bebop CD Boxset today! Yay! I'll make some comments about the tracks included in the set on the music page soon!
May 30, 2002: The music section has been updated with track listings for the upcoming Bebop CD Box Set! Can't wait till mine arrives~~! :)
April 20, 2002:: I finally added a little page on the Cowboy Bebop movie, Knockin on Heaven's Door. It can be found through the link to Misc. on the navigation menu. ^_^
April 15, 2002:: Okay everyone, welcome to the new home of My bebop page, FutureBlues.com! Hopefully this new webhost will work out for me. Regarding the music files-- I now have zipfiles of the realaudio for ost 1-3, and Vitaminless, and I am working on bringing back the rest of the music soon. No, I will not put up mp3s, so please don't ask me :) RealAudio will have to do. ^_^ Lets see, depending on how well this new host works out for me, I may be updating this page more frequently with stuff like a more complete episode guide, some images, and some more fun things like winamp skins. I just have to get a feel for how bad the traffic to this site will be, and how stable this host is. Thank you to everyone who has offered me webspace suggestions for the music files! Hmm, what else... Oh, you can now pre-order the Bebop CD box set that is slated to come out in June. CD Japan is taking pre-orders now. If you want this CD set, I suggest you get your pre-order in because these things tend to sell out of the first pressing rather quickly, and the first-pressings usually come with nifty stuff that you can't get later. Oh yeah, I am also (finally) working on a little section about the Bebop movie. I started such a section along time ago, I just haven't gotten around to finishing it ^^;; I also need to add info about the TOKYOPOP release of the manga. *sigh* so much to do :D
March 21, 2002: GREAT NEWS for fans of Cowboy Bebop music! According to a news item on Cowboybebop.com, There is a new Bebop CD box set coming out this June! Set for release in Japan on June 21, it is a really nice set of 4 CDs + one bonus CD and a 50+ page booklet. Three of the CDs will be selections of music by series director Shinichiro WATANABE, who selected over 50 songs from existing soundtracks and unreleased music tracks to include on these CDs. So some of the music will be new, some not, some may be alternate versions of familiar songs. Yay! The 4th CD will be a selection of music chosen by Yoko Kanno, Nabeshin, and frognation. This cd will include music from the Bebop movie, as well as tracks from the SEATBELTS: Earth Girls Are Easy concert from last August. Finally, there will be a bonus cd that has a couple of new songs. This CD box set will retail for 9800 yen. I can't wait!
Also, several people have offered possible hosting options for my bebop music files. Thank you! I am considering all the offers, and will hopefully make a decision about what to do soon. I am noticing that my bandwidth charges are still high even after I removed the music files. Gotta see what the problem is....
October 29, 2001: Well, so much for putting up the realaudio files for the movie soundtrack. I barely had them up when the webhost where I had them stored told me that they were already causing bandwidth problems, and if it kept up at this rate, I was gonna get a nasty bill at the end of the month. So to prevent this, I took the files down. I know someone else offerd to host the files, and if you are out there, and are still willing, I'd be happy to have you host them :) Please? Anyone?
October 27, 2001: A whole bunch of little updates today. I finally linked realaudio files of the Cowboy Bebop movie OST, "Future Blues" and the bonus CD, "Cowgirl Ed OST". I also added some song lyrics for those tracks. I updated release information of the Japanese release of the Bebop movie on DVD, some release info for an artbook for the movie, and I added a little section on the SEATBELTS in the music section.
October 21, 2001: More interesting Bebop news- apparently Tokyopop has picked up the rights to release the Bebop manga in the US. I haven't seen a press release about this yet, so I can't be certain it's official. I'll treat it as rumor until I see something official from Tokyopop announcing the news. Also, I have added a FAQ page to handle a lot of the questions I have been getting since Bebop started airing on Cartoon Network! I'll try to update the FAQ page often as I get more questions. Also, I am working on making a section devoted to the Bebop movie, and I have been considering adding an image gallery. Still not sure about the gallery though. Lots of other sites have galleries, so I am not sure if I can offer any images that aren't easily available elsewhere. It's kind of pointless to duplicate the same stuff as everyone else, I dunno. I should probably make a links section too. When I first started gathering the info to make this page in late 1998, there weren't any other English Cowboy Bebop pages really, so I didn't really have anything to link TO. but now I think there are probably a bunch, so I might link to some. and someday I'll finish my episode guide....
October 07, 2001: Thank you to all the people who have emailed me about this site. Yes, I KNOW, Cowboy Bebop is currently running on Cartoon Network on Sunday nights (with repeat showing on Thursdays), during their 'Adult Swim' block of programming. Yay! It's relatively unedited, too, which is a great thing. I have known about Bebop airing on CN for a long time before it started, I just haven't gotten around to adding that info to this page, sorry about that :) I need to add it to the Episode Guide or something. Also, I DO have the Cowboy Bebop movie soundtrack, Future Blues, (actually, I have an extra copy of it that I need to put on Ebay soon) and I WANT to put the realaudio files of the music tracks onto the music page, but I am having serious bandwidth problems right now, and my webhost is starting to charge me a lot extra because I have too much stuff up. I need to sort that out first. I would also like to ask that people do NOT direct-link to any of my music files, because that just causes more bandwidth problems for me, makes my webhost charge me more, and makes me more likely to take the files down. As it is, I will be renaming all the files soon and keeping an eye on my access logs to make sure no one direct-links to them. I can't afford higher bills! ^_^;; I'll get the Bebop 'Future Blues' songs onto the site as soon as possible!
August 28, 2001: I updated the music section to include a track listing for the new Bebop movie OST: Future Blues :) Yay!
August 24, 2001: Wow, another update! I amaze myself sometimes. Anyway, I added random bits of new info here and there- there's a slightly pushed-back release date for the Knockin' on Heaven's Door movie OST. I also put up a cover scan of that CD, and I added info on a new Bebop manga compilation that included a new Bebop manga story. I also added lyrics to a few of the songs on the Ask DNA movie CD and a random merchandise scan of a Bebop collector's card, and changed a little info in the releases section.
July 29, 2001: I added realaudio files of music from the Bebop Movie Mini Album over in the Music section. Go listen and then buy the album! It's so COOL! No, I will not add the files in MP3 format. Sorry ^_^ You can buy the CD from places like CD Japan.
July 16, 2001: I updated the music section yet again! yay!
July 06, 2001: I added a new tidbit in the music section about the release of the full-length original soundtrack for the Bebop Movie. Go LOOK!
June 16, 2001: It's about time for another update :)
Took me long enough to get around to doing this! I have /finally/ added some basic info for the Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door movie, and info about new
Bebop music coming our way soon in the Music section! Yay! I also finally added the 'other characters' section which includes Vicious and Julia. Hehe only took me 2 years to get around to it -_-
There are other small updates done throughout the site, including in the release section and the misc. section, so poke around :) I am currently working on a little section on the Bebop Movie, and will add it soon. I will be
going to Tokyo in August, and I hope to be able to catch the movie in a theater there. Wish me luck! Wow, hard to believe this page is over 2 years old now!
I still haven't been able to replace my Bebop CDs that were stolen last year ;_; Someday I will!~
November 27, 2000: Oh wow, an UPDATE! Amazing, isn't it? I am happy to see how popular Cowboy Bebop has become this year! I have updated the music section to include realaudio files of the Music For Freelance CD. That should be all of the Bebop music from the soundtracks so far. I look forward to a Bebop Movie soundtrack! I also FINALLY added images of the covers of the 5th and 6th Bebop DVDs :)
June 08, 2000: Hey, this page currently has 14,877 hits! Soon it will be 15,000. Woo hoo! Here is another little update. I finally added the real-audio files for the Vitaminless CD, as well as links from the music page to a site that is selling Bebop CDs. I get that question a lot (Where can I buy Bebop CDs!) so there ya go ^_^ I also added/fixed links to the lyrics for Want it All Back and the romanized lyrics for Real Folk Blues. Finally I added some images and information on the US DVD release of Bebop . (Wow, the DVDs are so awesome! :) Next I need to add scans of Bebop manga volume 3 and the realaudio for the Music for Freelance CD. Lets see how long that takes me to do! ^_^;; I have also seen the Bebop sheetmusic book at Kinokuniya, but as I do not play a musical instrument, I just can't bring myself to purchase it. I'll try to get the ISBN info on it though, for those of you who could make use of the book :)(It looks different than the 2 books I already have the ISBN info on this page for, but I will double check to be sure) In the episode guide section I have begun making individual summary pages for each episode with brief episode information in them. I have just begun this, so only a few episodes have anything so far. Hmm I can't remember if I have added anything else. ^_^;
February 18, 2000: Yay, an update! I think I have added realaudio files of the songs on Bebop soundtracks 1 and 2. Next I will work on getting realaudio files for Music for Freelance and Vitaminless. I am so slow about updating this page! ^_^;
January 21, 2000: Hi again y'all! Sorry there haven't been any more updates lately. I was distracted (as usual ^_^;) with working on my other web pages. My next addition to this page WAS going to be realaudio files of the rest of the Bebop soundtracks besides Blue, but unfortunately that is not going to happen for a while. I recently had all of my Bebop CDs stolen from my car (along with all my escaflowne CDs, a Maaya Sakamoto CD, a bunch of Minidiscs, and a minidisc player ;_; all the CDs were legit Japanese imports too >_<; I am SO upset! ;_;) so until I can somehow find replacements or the realaudio files donated from elsewhere, that part will have to wait. At least I still have my jewel case for Bebop OST 3 with Yoko Kanno's autograph on it!
December 14, 1999: In the Music section you can now find real audio music files of all the tracks on Bebop OST 3: Blue! I will try to add realaudio files of the other soundtracks soon!
December 5, 1999: I added cover scans of the original Bebop manga that came out right when the show originally aired on TV in Japan (as opposed to the manga series that ran in Asuka Fantasy DX) I have added to my list of things to do- scanning pics from this manga. The character designs look a bit different. Someday I will get all this stuff done, really....
December 4, 1999: Okay, the images for all of the Japanese bebop DVD covers should be working links now. I have most of the Japanese VHS covers up as well. Still have 1 or 2 left to go. The DVD covers look pretty much the same as the LD covers, but the VHS covers look very different. Check em out! On a random note, I am working on fixing my winamp skins page, which has been down lately. I DO have the bebop winamp skins section on this page working though, and I am almost done with a new Faye Valentine skin which I will add soon! :)
December 3, 1999: Whoo, yesterday was my birthday, and what did I do to celebrate? I sat around making some updates to my pages ^_^; (kinda sad :P) Anyway, I now have the new Bebop artbook 'Cowboy Bebop- The After', and have added scans of the cover and book info for it in the Misc. Section under Random Terms and Info. It's a very cool book, but then again, ALL the Bebop books are cool :) I also updated the VHS/LD/DVD release section with scans of the rest of the Japanese Bebop LD covers, info for all of them, etc. I have links to images of the Japanese DVD and VHS covers in the LD listing Info, but the images for them aren't active yet. I will upload the images for that tonight. More stuff is coming (yeah I know, I always say that!) I aim to put *something* in the 'Other Characters' Section of my characters page, which I KNOW is not working right now, and I am starting a section called Bebop WORLD. Finally, I have added a Guestbook for my Bebop page, it's on the main index page when you enter my site, if you like my page, please sign the guestbook! I would really appreciate it :) Feedback makes me happy ^_^ Thanks!
November 29, 1999: Once again I take forever to update! You may not have noticed, what with the virtual URL I have for this page,but I have moved this page from anime-manga.net to its new home, http://niko-niko.net/bebop.I had to move this page because anime-manga.net was hacked into recently,and all of my pages on there were lost. Fortunately I had everything moreor less backed up on my computer, so I have been able to restore some ofmy pages. If you come across any broken images or links, please let meknow! As for Bebop stuff, Volume 2 of the manga just came out. I have addeda scan of the cover in the Misc section, under Random Terms & Info. Check it out!
July 27, 1999:
Am I happy or WHAT! Woo hoo, I hada great time at AX this year. The high
point for me was definitely the Yoko Kanno Focus Panel, autograph signing,
and then later on, the smallerpress interview with her. Oh so much fun!
Look, she signed the bluesky cover of my Bebop OST 3 ! And guess what!
Yoko Kanno let it slip thatshe will be doing the music for a Cowboy Bebop
Movie in the near future!YAY! more Bebop beyond TV! I have no release date
for the movie yet, it is probably still in initial planning, but it's nice
to know it's coming!Ahh! I am a happy camper! Anyway, as for updates, lets
see, I added someof my personal comments on the bebop CDs in the music
section, I added a scan of the cover and my comments on the new Anime Village
release ofBebop episodes 1-2, and I added another filmbook cover scan.
I also addeda line or 2 more description for Faye, Spike and Jet in the
characters section :) Coming soon I will begin some very brief episode
summaries,and I really do want to get that 'Other Characters' section open.
I musttalk about Vicious, Julia, Gren, etc. So many other great Cowboy
Bebopcharacters! Oh yeah, thanks to JobsTurkey for mentioning my site in
her Turnpike Guests picks column. Nifty! :)
June 20, 1999: Such a gap between my updates! Yeesh! Anyway, I addedtrack listings for the Bebop CDs OST 3 (Blue) and the Remix CD (Music for Freelance). I also added the lyrics for several of the songs on Blue and one or 2 more on OST 2 (No Disc). Also, I stuck my link button on the main index page too, in case some people don't look here:) Enjoy! :)
May 11, 1999:
Hmm added a lot of little things today, including
scans of the covers of the 2 new Bebop CDs, a track listing for OST 3,
opened up the little 'Misc. Bebop Merchandise' subsection of the 'Random
Bebop Terms and Info' Misc. section ^^;. This has scans of Bebop pencil
boards, info on some other Bebop books, and info on the game.A few days
ago I made another Bebop winamp skin as well.
May 2, 1999: I noticed a few pages out there withlinks to this one (yay) so I thought I would make a link button for this page, in case anyone else wants to link to it :) This is a Link Free site,so go for it! Here's the button:
April 20, 1999: I added the lyrics to a couple of Bebop songs, Fantaisie Sign and Don't Bother None to the music page. I am working on the romanization of Real Folk Blues, and will add that and otherlyrics to the music page soon :)
April 11, 1999:
Wow, it has been awhile, ne? Well,I just got
back from a little trip to Japan, and while I was there I managedto pick
up several Bebop goodies. I am working on scanning many more Bebop pictures
soon! With my new stuff I was able to update the Manga info in the 'Random
Terms and Info' section of the Misc. Section (ack, that isa lot of subsections
O_o) and I added information on the Bebop film andartbooks. I am still
working on organizing this page (yeah yeah, STILL!^_^;). Future plans include
- finishing scanning more pictures from the film and artbooks, finishing
the misc. info and merchandise info sections,adding more info to the music
section, etc. So much to do! I hope you enjoy the info I added about the
manga at artbooks anyway ^^; Until then, see you space cowboy...
March 13, 1999: Well okay, so I didn't add thatmuch new information ^^; I added a few more comments to the Ed and Ein character page, and I opened the Random Bebop Terms and Info section with a little info on the manga, the PSX game, and the show Big Shot.
March 8, 1999: Ack, my keyboard died on me, so I was stuck for a few days before I could get another one,and wasn't able to polish the page quite up to how I wanted it before it was added to the Turnpike on Sunday night. My work on all of my web pages came to a halt for a few days, but I have a new keyboard now, so I can get back to work. I am currently trying to fix up the Ed and Ein character section, The Other Characters Section, and the Random Bebop Terms and Info section. Yes, I know these pages are empty, Iam working on them! :) Hey, thanks to the AnimeWeb Turnpike for making my page a Site of the Week! Woo Hoo! :)
March 5, 1999: opened up 'Jamming With Emi' Subsection, Worked on Commercial Releases section.
March 4, 1999: Submitted Site to the AnimeWeb Turnpike for inclusion.